What started out as a contribution to a friend's book project has since expanded into its own spinoff project under the temporary codename "Space Baroque".
In an alternate universe, after centuries of war, 5 planetary kingdoms reach a stalemate and agree to form a new combined empire, whose emperor is chosen by hand to hand combat among champions from each planetary system. But the agreed upon peace is only skin deep, with each kingdom looking for a way to gain political or technological advantage over the other. Expect political intrigue, galactic wars, strange alien races, and all the things you'd expect from a top notch space opera. For Fans Of: Space Operas, Dune, Metabarons
The Palace World must accommodate many visitors and dignitaries, but there are some to whom the very planet itself is toxic. Just a few minutes outside of her isolation chamber would prove deadly to the Venrusi Ambassador, due to a multitude of viruses benign to the normal population. So she travels and does business encased in a specially constructed mobile metal cocoon. As the species also grew up in low gravity, the vehicle also takes some of the weight off their brittle bones, bones that would not allow them to successfully walk under a full G.